1,000 YouTube subscribers!!! Thank you ALL!!

Doll Muse

Hello In The Doll World listeners.  I know it's been a while since I have posted a blog, I realized I am probably not a blogger, but felt it was time to post a little something and share a little more of my own personal doll journey with you.

I guess as the host and producer of this amazing show, I get to listen to the many doll journeys of my wonderful guests and in some interviews, I usually share a little about my journey with the beautiful dolls that I helped to co-create, Big Beautiful Dolls. For many years after creating them, they truly have been my muse and they lovingly look over my shoulder from the shelf behind my office chair, and can be seen in the background of the show, they are also the last things I see before I turn the light off in my office.

But at times I think about my journey into co-creating those amazing beauties and forget at times how groundbreaking they were and how significant they are and continue to be.  Of course the thought shows up when someone from the show reminds me how important they were or how important what we did was. 

One thing that is true and has always been true about those Big Beautiful Dolls, they continue to show up for me, when I am not sure about my next move, or when things become very challenging for me, like the last year of this podcast as I transitioned to becoming the sole host of this show, to where do I take the show from here. They remind me of the importance of what I am doing, the importance of this show, just like the importance of who they are in the doll world.

Although I didn't have a lot of dolls growing up, and no sisters to share dolls with, Big Beautiful Doll became the dolls that I